Have you ever had one of those moments of absolutely perfect clarity? I'm talking about one of those moments when every single component combines and nothing could possibly improve it. It is as if a crystal is struck with a tiny silver hammer and a chime sounds and the whole world freezes in that instant. You will remember that chime and that instant for the rest of your life (may it be long and prosperous).
I heard that chime this morning.
The boys were loaded into the back of my car and all seat belts were fastened. As I usually do, I called out to them from the driver's seat, "OK everybody ready? Seat belts fastened, headlights on and doors locked?"
My 8 month old son made a noise like this, "aaaAAAAEEEaaa!"
My 5 year old son exclaimed, "YES SIR!"
I said, "OK!" and put the car in reverse. I turned around to see where I was going, hit the gas and said, "OK! Here we GO!"
At that moment, the first guitar licks to The Eagles' "Take it Easy" kicked in and it was CRANKED. My five year old son's eyes popped wide open. His face lit up in wonder and pleasure and amazement. He had never heard the song before and he LOVED IT! His little brother gurgled with pleasure! Total joy flashed through me: tears came to my eyes (and stayed there all the way to Day Care). I turned around, put the car in Drive and we were off!
Frozen in my mind was a link between now and when I first heard that song, about thirty years ago. "Take it Easy" is one of the best driving songs I have ever experienced. I say experienced and not heard, because I don't just hear that song when I drive. The song becomes a part of the whole driving experience from the sole of my foot on the gas pedal, to my tailbone pressing against the seat as I accelerate, to my hands lightly but firmly gripping the steering wheel. I am ONE with the car, the road, the planet, maybe even God. And this morning, I was again ONE with all of that and my sons. It was a moment I will never forget.
Driving, like life, should be about traveling and the journey, not the destination. Today, we traveled.
I hope you hear that crystalline chime at least once in your life. I truly do.
May your life be a journey and not just a way to a destination.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Posted by
7:58 AM
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