My morning was kind of messed up. This blog will also be kind of messed up and a little jumbled.
Fair warning.
My day started around 4:00 (which is kind of messed up already right there). More on that in a minute.
I had arranged yesterday to drop my car off with the mechanic to have the Air Conditioner checked out as it was acting wonky. Cooled GREAT until it didn't and then the fan would blow, but no cool air. I had arranged for my friend Tom to pick me up at the auto shop in his van (it is GOOD to have a friend with a van!) and take me to the local Lowes store to get some sheet rock. The mechanic is right next door to the daycare center where my son goes so I figured I could take him, drop off the car and (with my friend's help) get around to finishing a project I'd started a long time ago. Great plan all the way around.
I forgot I was supposed to be at the lab to have some blood drawn at 8:15 today.
So OK. I call my friend and tell him of the change of plan and that's fine. He'll get there as soon as he can. OK. So I call the lab and let them know I'm probably going to be late and they are cool with that.
I should probably add here that I am almost obsessive about being late. Can't stand it. Drives me nuts (short trip, too).
I get my son to Baby School and go to drop off the car. Dropped it off at about 7:45. My friend Tom came to get me, but didn't get there until about 8:15, which was when I was due at the lab office. I was late but that was alright (except in my own mind, where it wasn't).
I get in there, check in and sit down to wait. I figure that since I'm late, I'll probably be waiting a good long while. Well, surprise! I actually don't have to wait more than 2 minutes. Cool, I think, this is going to go great! They take me and two older women and one woman about my age back there and sit each of us in one of seven chairs with the swinging wings on them. They get us prepped and set to go. Great!
My phlebotomist (nice lady, late fifties, probably somebody's grandma) starts digging around in my left arm with the needle looking for a vein. I do mean digging. I thought I was there to have blood drawn, not have a liposuction treatment. Have you seen those PBS or medical channel TV shows where they show you how liposuction is done? It's freekin' horrible to watch but like a car wreck in progress, you can't look away. They basically run a Roto-Rooter looking vacuum hose around under the skin sucking up fat. That's what this little needle dancing around under my skin reminds me of.
Grandma keeps digging.
The woman is nothing if not persistent.
Finally, she hit something that hurt (a lot- I yelped, despite the presence of all the older and middle-aged women in the room. Screw macho, it hurt!) and she quit on that arm and moved to my right arm, where things are slow, but there's no further problems. Meanwhile, she is telling me that I should have drunk lots of water before coming, then I wouldn't have had a problem. Like I freekin' knew that. Like it was my fault somehow, that she can't find the worm with the hook. Hell, if I had known that I would have drunk a river to have avoided that little operation. Still makes me uneasy in my guts. Most men reading this know what I mean about having a queasy feeling just aft of the family jewels. That's the feeling I'm having still.
She did have the grace to apologize for hurting me whilst telling me that I should have drunk more water.
She's done and I'm outta there.
So I get home, starving (nothing to eat since 7:00 pm yesterday) and sleepy because I woke up around 4:00 this morning (see above), unable to sleep for obsessing about the getting-the-boy-to-school (remember his swimsuit! Don't forget this swimsuit!), getting-Tom-to-get-me, getting-to-the-lab-on time deal.
Ludicrous. But unavoidable.
I eat some breakfast and watch some TV. So I didn't get a walk in, but I've washed some more clothes. My project continues to await completion.
And now I've finished the blog for today.
A final note:
The shop called while I'm writing this. In order to determine the problem with the air conditioner, the AC system has to be converted over from freon to some other more environmentally friendly (and way less effective) coolant.
Score one for the environmentalist crowd.
Mea culpa. Been using it in my '87 JEEP, too and still am. But I fear those days are numbered.
So to begin to diagnose the problem is going to cost me $120.00. Arm still hurts.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Posted by
1:06 PM
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Well you certainly were not lying when foreshadowing the "jumble" to come! No worries however, I got the gist. Phlebotomy is a profession that i feel gets overlooked to often anymore. clinics just hire joe-anybody to poke needles all day long. When infact, the art of drawing blood with a minimum of pain is exactly that: an ART form. I simply CANNOT abide people in any function, especially those in the health related fields, whom take they're job so non-chalantly as to actually cause great deals of PAIN to those who just want to get back to they're job they take so non-chalantly ;o)
Preachin' to the choir. I've never had such a problem with a blood draw before! Phlebotomy truly is an art form. I bet it's gonna bruise like mad.
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