We arrived home from a mini vacation two weeks ago on a Sunday evening. The weather was nice and cool for a change and it had been a good weekend spent with some of L's family (her cousin H. and her family). We had a great time with them and everybody had enjoyed it. Even the children had gotten along once they became accustomed to each other. H. has two girls, eight and five. Our son W. is three.
Really good time had by all.
During the drive home, L. had mentioned to me that she hadn't been feeling quite 'right' for the whole weekend; not bad necessarily but just not right. We'd been down south in the mountains of North Carolina (stunningly beautiful country, by the way) and I figured it might have something to do with the difference in altitudes. As it turns out, L. had other ideas about the cause, but chose to keep them to herself.
We get home and I'm helping get my son settled and I'm unloading the car and I'm generally futzing about with no great purpose (but fair intent) and I don't immediately notice L. has been gone for a while. Like many people, she often has to use the 'necessary' upon returning home from a trip and I figured that she had gone upstairs to do just that. I was partially right.
About the time I was beginning to wonder if all was well, L. comes back downstairs. She has with her a little white plastic thingie about four or five inches long and she also has a funny look in her eyes, kinda glazed and shining.
The little white plastic thingie has a little blue '+' sign on it. I'm not too bright after long periods of driving (or any other time for that matter) and it takes me a minute to figure things out. L. is the very picture of patience and waits for me to get it.
I get it.
WOW! We are going to have another baby!
This is truly wonderful news and I am happy. I'm also nearly scared witless. Both sentiments are quite true for my lovely wife as well. Maybe in different proportions, but true nonetheless.
That was how our weekend ended almost two weeks ago.
Now, not much has changed. We're both still thrilled and scared. It's kind of like riding on a roller coaster, the safety of which, you are none too sure. I am elated and nearly giddy at times and at other times I want to hide in a closet. We're beginning to get W. used to the idea that he will have a little sibling and so far, he's pretty cool about it.
I'd like to say something deep and profound and meaningful here, but I can't really think of anything. The biological miracle of conception and the life to which it leads is going to have to be deep and profound enough this time. I'm just blown away.
Thank-you God.
Congrats sir! building family is the closest thing to immortality we mere mortals have ;o)
Thanks very much! Immortality. Yes, I've thought how that might be. I expect it would be very lonely and eventually quite boring. Don't think I could take it forever. Unlikely to find out, either! I'm no Lestat (love Anne Rice).
Good to hear from you.
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