Friday, August 10, 2007


I used to walk for exercise. Three times a week, I'd get out there and walk about 2 & 1/2 miles and count myself as doing the good thing.
Unfortunately, it hurt my legs to do that. Hurt them a LOT.
So I went to the doctor and it turns out I've got a relatively rare (for people in my demographic: i.e. middle-aged fat guys) condition called Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome. In a nutshell, it seems that our lower legs are made up of four compartments housing our muscles. When I walk for exercise, the muscles swell and build up fluid. Since the compartments are not elastic, they have no where to expand and they just get tighter and tighter. This ultimately hurts so bad I can scarcely stand it and eventually, if unrecognized and treated, it can cause nerve and tissue damage. Sometimes it is NOT good to 'work through the pain.'
I'm really very glad I went to my doctor.

The only treatment options are either surgery or a change of activity.

Guess which one I chose.


I went to get my old bicycle out and found, to my dismay, that it needed some major (read 'very expensive') work done to make it serviceable again. I was disheartened. I've had this bike since I was 14 (that's 32 years). Despite the deep emotional attachment I had for my old bike, it was time for a new one.

I got myself a 2007 Trek Navigator 2.0 and let me tell you people, it is a whole new world. Totally different ride from my old Azuki racing style bike. The feel and handling is completely different and it takes a little getting used to. The new one is also far more comfortable to ride.

This thing ROCKS!

This morning was my second ride on the bike trail. I rode over 6 miles today with no pain other than the normal exertion pain. I can't tell you how good it is to exercise without constant pain. I am certain I can go at least that far every time I ride which will be three times a week. Or maybe more!

Love my new bike. Don't know what to do with the old one yet: maybe I'll give it to Good Will with a note explaining that it will need some work. I am not sure, maybe I should just junk it.




Anonymous said...


I've never been to your house, but I saw a really neat thing done with an old bike that I'm going to do with my Mom's bike (from the 30's!) - put it in the yard, amongst the flowers. It's not quite like a toilet or a tire (hope I don't offend anyone!), and I know yours is a racing bike, so it may have a little different effect.


WNelWeb said...

Yes it would be a little bit different. I have done something similar, however: it currently sits in a patch of higher grass next to the house. It doesn't look terribel there... Something of an ignoble end for an old friend, but hey! Whaddya gonna do?

Thanks for the idea!


LB said...


Good luck with the new bike dude! sorry i haven't been posting more, but you know the skinny on that! I think i might have something up with my legs as well, but i like a fool work through the pain.. NO PAIN NO GAIN!

WNelWeb said...

I do understand that drive. I have it still. I think most men, maybe most people have it. I was lucky in that I found out that in my case, it could really mess me up. Maybe even permanently. Keep it in mind, my friend. It would be mighty cold in a wheel chair in Chicago. Talk about freezing your ass off!

Anonymous said...

Biking is my favourite means of city transportation (in the Summer anyway). What kind of helmet do you use? Have you got one of those nifty speedometers?

The old bike could be "freecycled". is where you can give away all kinds of unwanted junk.

WNelWeb said...

Hi there Saskboy. I have a helmet that is pretty darn old and I'm thinking of updating it. It is so old I can't remember how long ago I bought it. Still works, though...
I think it is a "Feiro" or maybe "Fiero", I'm not sure of the spelling.
Hey thanks for the recycling link! That is really cool. Turns out we've got a chapter here in my city.
Glad you stopped by.

Anonymous said...

I didn't have to remember to update my helmet when it was getting time to change it -- a van knocked me off and cracked it to bits. They are handy things to have :-)

You're welcome, hope you like freecycle. Here, in Regina, there's another group called Full Circle taking over that role.

WNelWeb said...

Wow! I hope there wasn't any serious damage to the wearer of the ex-helmet.
Regina is in Canada, yes? (or should that be 'eh')
I live in Virginia in the US.

Anonymous said...

Wanna hear some weird parrallels? I too had an Azuki as a teen. I put nearly 1,300 miles on it before it was stolen. Walking causes me severe pain as well, (maybe I have the same syndrome?) so two years ago, I purchased a Trek Navigator, so that I could get my exercise in on the bike trail. I haven't ridden much this summer because of the record heat, but when I cen get out there, I do enjoy it a great deal. I try to do all 14 miles when I can, but it is tiring certainly. You are lucky to live so close to the trail, though! maybe I'll see you out there one day, and we can go Trekking!


WNelWeb said...

That'd be pretty cool!