Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ha ha ha!

OK, I crack myself up sometimes. I ordered some meds online this morning, because I was going to run out of certain ones fairly soon. No problem there; all was well.

A little later in the day, while I was filling up my pill boxes I thought to myself,
'If my anti-depressants don't get here in time, I'll be sad.'

I had a nice long laugh.

I am grateful for modern technology, the use of which allows me to share this moment with the world at large and with you, my favorite readers!




Anonymous said...

帳號的設計 要有什麼經驗
發問者: Hokkiao ( 實習生 5 級)
發問時間: 2008-10-07 06:59:19 ( 還有 1 天發問到期 )
解答贈點: 20 ( 共有 0 人贊助 )
2 意見: 0
[ 檢舉 ]

方案 : 一ㄍ 【WRETCH】 categorization分類 TRANSFER->一ㄍ [BLOGSPOT] ID帳號


WNelWeb said...

Thank-you for commenting. Sadly, I do not understand Chinese.

Steve said...

I ran it through an on-line interpreter at one of those nifty translation sites, and here's what it says it says:

"The account number's design must have any experience questioner: Hokkiao (intern 5 levels) question time: 2008-10-07 06:59: 19 (also have 1 day to ask a question due) to explain presents as a gift the spot: 20 (altogether have 0 person of support) to reply: 2 opinions: 0 [reporting] Plan: One ㄍ [WRETCH] categorization classifies TRANSFER-> ㄍ [BLOGSPOT] ID account number"

Hmm... doesn't make much more sense in English.

WNelWeb said...

How about that! I did the same thing and got the same result. Thanks for trying!