Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby fever

Well, hell.
Baby has had a cold for the last few days and he's been pretty miserable. Snuffling and whuffling and trying to breathe with a head full of it has been his lot.

Today, he spiked a fever of 103 .

He is now in hospital for a 48 hour period of observation (when I left, his fever was around 100) accompanied by his weary and worried mother. I'm home with the elder son.
Laura and I are both somewhat under the weather (low grade fevers and (for me) sore throat) and our oldest, thank God, is fine.

So far.

There's a lot that goes through one's mind on the way to the hospital and very little of it is good, usually. There is fear and worry and sympathy and helplessness and all that over and over. Makes that ten minute drive an eternity.

There's that time thing again...

Anyway, that's how our evening has run.

How's about you?



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