Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Hotness, Continued

OK! Thursday 8PM exactly, our second son entered this world weighing 7 pounds 3 & 1/2 ounces and measuring 20 & 1/2 inches in length. Mother and baby are just fine and Daddy is moderately OK. Little brother is, by turns, excited and wary, but overall happy the baby is home.
There's a reason they call it labor, folks. It's WORK! We checked into the hospital Wednesday morning and they started the inducement drugs at 8:00 am. My dear wife was in labor from that moment until she delivered nearly 2 days later.
All worth it, according to her.
Anyway, we're home and all will now be different, but well.




Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you all!!

And as far as thoughts...nothing is more exciting than a new life. What joy!

WNelWeb said...

Yes. Yes he is. Thank-you!

Anonymous said...

I checked the hospital website for New Arrivals. He's a good looking boy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new hotness!! Hope all continues to go well. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh.. and does this boy have a name yet?? Or am I just missing something?

WNelWeb said...

No, you are not missing anything. I feel a little hinky about publishing his name on a public blog. Samuel Willis W_____.

WNelWeb said...

And best of luck to you to see you through to May!

Anonymous said...

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WNelWeb said...

Glad you liked it!