Friday, December 14, 2007

Celebrity look-a-likes for moi

OK. They came back with 8 women and 2 men. I could only pick eight people, so here we go.

Any thoughts?



lb said...

you know.. i tried a second pic afterwards and had the same result.. ive noticed that I got more women then men the more of a side shot the picture is... just a pattern i noticed... again: Patterns, Patterns everywhere!

Anonymous said...

My strongest look-a-like was Cybill Shepard!!?? OMG! Maybe they need to include a checkbox that tells them you only want male or female results back? Cybill my butt. ppfftthh.

Anonymous said...

Who is Missi Pyle? I don't think you look anything like her....hmm..

WNelWeb said...

Missi Pyle has been in several TV shows, one of which was Heroes. She has had parts in numerous movies including Big Fish and Galaxy Quest (one of my favorites, bye the way).
She is a really good character actress.