Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I was involved in a chat not long ago with my blogging mentor, Ro the wise and mighty, not too long ago (this morning actually) and we were discussing the nature and qualities of LOVE.

The less romantically inclined of you may wish to turn elsewhere at this point. May I suggest a nice porno spot? Never mind, I'm sure you can find one yourself.) ;-)

We were discussing in particular the differences between love for one's mate and love for one's child. We thought at first that they were the same, then similar, then different but no less intense.

Our chat made me remember a posting over on Ro's site which I'll let you read at your leisure. It deals primarily with the love a couple feels for each other and how that love can help when times are bad. Many good points on that posting and I hope you'll read it.

I just went in to check on my son; he's asleep and peaceful. I do this nearly every night and I couldn't sleep well without it, I think.

He's gotten so he doesn't much care for his night lights anymore and has even unplugged one of them. He has moved a no-longer-needed changing table sort of in front of the remaining night light, so that there is only a faint blue glow in his room. I stand there, my son coming into focus from out of the darkness. As he takes shape and solidity back from the night, I am nearly overcome, as I am almost every night, with love for him. My heart aches and tears swell in my eyes: I love him so very much.

My boy. My son. All grown up at age three. I want so much for him and I know I'll never be more than adequate to meet his needs and sometimes not even that. There may be hard times in our future; we already have a clash of wills every once in a while (my wife says this is because we are much alike) and that is OK. That is good and as it should be.

But as I stand there in the darkness, that moment of clarity comes over me again. That perfect knowledge that this child, our child, my son, is right and true and wise and wonderful and perfect is the love I feel for him.

I have many doubts. Quite a few of them involve God and faith. When I'm there alone with my boy, my doubts are lessened and my faith is a little more sound. That's not what this post is about, but I want you to get the idea of the immensity and deep profundity; the simple, sweet purity of this particular kind of love.

I guess that's about all I have to say tonight.



LB said...

We all have our way of attaining that level of clarity, or lack thereof depending on what you want. I cannot possibly understand seeing that in a child myself because I do not yet have any children of my own. I do, on occasion however, find that moment of serenity in seeing my wife sleep. Knowing that I, as her husband, have (at least for another day) made my best effort to keep a sound and secure home. So indeed sir, to find that "moment of zen" as Jon Stewart would say, is a wonderful thing. Especially for those of us "addicted to the darkness"

WNelWeb said...

Well said, Sir. Well said. I've felt that watching my wife as well.

I hope, if it is your desire (meaning you & your wife), that you have children someday. From what little I've learned of you through this box, you sound like you might be a pretty good Dad.


LB said...

LOL. Well it would seem sir, that I have sufficiently fooled you. Though according to my wife apparently i have fooled her as well! we ARE going to have children sometime soon, we just havent crossed that bridge yet ;o)

Bethany said...

RE manpower comment,I think that guy is covering up something, as in the photo below he has his jacket held in front of the crotch area, also when watching the video, in all the shots he is the only one to be holding something in front covering the area.RE comment on this post. I agree, the love you have for your child/children is quite unique. I remember seeing and holding, my baby the first time I was overwhelmed with the feeling of a love so pure unlike any other love. Its something you cant explain to anyone that does not have children, yet they will feel it when they are parents.

WNelWeb said...

Manpower: I hope whatever he's covering up is not painful for him.
123: I think lb had a very definite idea of what that feeling is like, but you are right. There's no other feeling like it in this world.

Thanks for stopping by!