Sunday, November 18, 2007

Today 11/18/2007

Today I have accomplished as close to nothing as is possible for me. I had intended to paint the shower in the bathroom. Didn't do it. I had intended to go to the store and buy some needed groceries. Didn't do it. I had thought to mow/mulch the leaves in our yard. Didn't do it. I had intended to vacuum the living room rug, because it's nasty. Didn't do it. I had intended to do at least one load of laundry. Didn't do it. I had planned to practice playing my guitars. Didn't do it.

I had a rough night last night and little restful sleep. I had an all-day-sucker bitch of a headache today, which did not subside until around 7:00 or so And no, sadly, it wasn't a hangover. I almost wish it had been.

I did manage to shave and shower and change clothes, although I never did get dressed enough to go outside. I fed the cats and the fish. I messed around with Mozilla's Thunderbird on the laptop, trying to get it set up the way I wanted it (which was how my MS Outlook was set up). Almost got it, too. Ate lunch and watched the TV for awhile, caught up on a couple of shows I had recorded. Came up to my main PC and searched the Internet for the little rubber pads that go on the CPU to keep the cooling fan assembly from cracking the chip. Apparently, AMD is the only chip maker that uses these things. Never did find the damn pads. Spent nigh on to three hours looking for them.

Started this blog at 7:30 or so and quit for awhile when my family returned from a day out at GrammaHaus. It's now 10 before midnight and I'm almost done with it. I reckon I should go to bed, but I don't want to go just yet.

OK, now I'm done with it.





lb said...

Sir you are an inspiration!

WNelWeb said...

Yeah, I bet I am. Thanks for checking in.